ENG057 Bhikkhuni Triệt Như – Sharing From The Heart – No 98: CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN Translated into English by Như Lưu - Narrated by Phương Quế

14 Tháng Ba 20221:29 CH(Xem: 1844)
ENG057 Bhikkhuni Triệt Như
Sharing From The Heart – No 98:
Translated into English by Như Lưu
Narrated by Phương Quế

Line golden 1

Bhikkhuni Triệt Như – Sharing From The Heart – No 98
Translated into English by Như Lưu


98 English

Our Master Thích Thông Triệt used to say: “Practicing Stillness (samādhi) meditation is like grasping at moss to climb the mountain”. Real mountaineers use steel anchors and rope to help them up the mountain. For us, we may just get our mind into a state of non-verbal awareness at a “snap of our fingers” (as our Master used to say), but at the blink of an eye, thoughts inserted themselves in our mind as quickly as we “snap our fingers”! This is the reason why Stillness meditation is so hard to master. 

Ancient Zen masters had also experienced this arduousness. Chinese Zen Master Bàng Long Uẩn (Pang Jushi) exclaimed: “Hard! Hard! Hard! Three tons of sesame oil spread on the pole”. When I was a young child, there were martial art troops who would come to my neighborhood to perform. Among the acts was a game where people need to climb up a pole covered in oil to reach the prize-money hung at the top of the pole. People would slide down as soon as they manage to make some little progress.

Chinese Zen history has another quote: “The path of Thạch Đầu is slippery!” (Thạch Đầu Hi Thiên, or Shitou Xiquian, was an 8th century Chinese Zen master; he lived under the Tang dynasty and was a contemporary of master Mã Tổ Đạo Nhất, or Mazu Daoyi). In the Ten Stages of Development of the Bodhisattva, the 5th stage is named “The Stage of the Mastery of Utmost Difficulties” and refers to the mastery over the mind’s verbal chattering. However the difficulty, this bridge on the path of Stillness needs to be crossed in order to reach the treasure trove of our transcendental wisdom. Let us now attempt to climb the mountain and learn how the Buddha and Buddhist masters taught us to climb.

1. Worldly mind: our starting point is at the bottom of the mountain. The Buddha taught us that every person has the potential for enlightenment. But, as we live in the world, we find that life is often filled with bitterness, sadness and suffering interspersed  by a few instances of happiness. We struggle to find a way out and think that we may have to endure until the end of our life.

2. Awakening: then, as a result of some favorable causal conditions, we suddenly awaken and decide to find refuge in the Buddha’s teaching. The awakening may be triggered by the passing of our elderly parents as we feel orphaned and need a teacher, someone who we can lean on and seek advice when turmoil hits our family. Or it may be caused by the passing of a friend still in the vigor of youth, as we realize that impermanence is a law that does not wait until people becomes old or ill. We look around us and see that many of our relatives have left this world. Where they have gone, we don’t really know. We look at ourselves and realize that our life has seen much wandering, worry and sorrow. We notice some gray hair on our head. When will be our turn to go, what can we take with us then? We have been working hard half our life and managed to own a house and a car, but now our hair is no longer black, our lips no longer rosy, our eyes no longer clear, and yet our duties towards our parents are still un-fulfilled. Deep in our mind, we always knew that there is only one path to follow, the path pioneered by the Buddha, if we wish to make our life worthwhile and free from suffering.

3. Non-verbal awareness: we start to join spiritual seminars. We try several methods to gain a better understanding of the spiritual path. What method accords with our life objectives? What teaching accords with the true teaching of the Buddha? What practice methods are clear, practical and science-based? Once we have chosen a method, we will need to muster the resolve to follow it to its completion. Resolve is a very important factor on the spiritual path. It was referred to as “decisiveness” in the Ten Stages of Development of the Bodhisattva and “adherence to steadfast principles” by our Master. We need wisdom first to discern the right and wrong paths. The ultimate guiding criterion is the teaching of the Buddha which promotes adherence to precepts, morality and pure conduct, and development of wisdom, compassion and harmony. However, how can we tell which practice method is the correct one? This is not a simple matter. We may gain an idea by observing the conduct of master and students. Does the master emanate wisdom and compassion? Do students show by their behavior, speech, and comportment that they are living the teaching? Once we have chosen our path, we need to commit ourselves by enrolling into classes according to their level and suitability to our own level of spiritual development. We need to be eager without being impulsive. We need to patiently study, understand and practice.

The Buddha’s teaching aims at reaching the “heartwood”. The heartwood of the spiritual path is liberation. In the “Longer Simile of the Heartwood” sutta (Majjhima Nikāya, MN29), the Buddha taught that the immobile mind is the liberated mind. How can we keep our mind immobile? When we are non-attached to whatever happens in front of us, our mind is immobile and still. The mind is still when there is no inner talk arising in it. For this reason, non-verbal awareness is the prime means to keep the mind immobile.

Our Fundamental Meditation course aims at helping students experience non-verbal awareness, even if it is just for a few seconds. We then need to practice in order to maintain this state of non-verbal awareness for longer. This is the most difficult step in the practice of meditation. Why is this so? Because our mind has the tendency to project itself outward, towards memories of the past, plans for the future or attachments in the present. The Buddha advised us to use precepts as a tool to help control the mind: forgoing greed and anger, not longing for worldly things, maintaining purity of speech, not committing evil actions, not harming others and ourselves.

4. Awake awareness: in our daily activities we remind ourselves to maintain at all times a clear awareness, without adding anything to it. For example: when we eat we are aware of eating, when we drink we are aware of drinking, when we walk we are aware of walking etc. If we continually maintain this practice, we will also find ourselves strictly adhering to precepts: not having evil thoughts, not saying evil speech, not committing evil actions. From the foundation of non-verbal awareness, we progress further into a state of silent awareness that is more stable and lasts longer, which we can call awake awareness. We gradually develop a calm and silent comportment and stay away from petty and meaningless disputes. Our comportment radiates composure, our face harmony, and our speech kindness. Our health improves. As our potential for enlightenment develops, we find that new creative ideas spontaneously arise.

5. Condensed cognition: everything that we experience during our spiritual practice is stored in our long term memory and becomes part of our cognition. When this knowledge stays still in our memory, we call it condensed cognition. Likewise, our experiences of non-verbal awareness are stored in our non-verbal cognition. When they occur repeatedly they create an imprint in our mind that allows us to bring this state of non-verbal awareness into our mind whenever we raise the intention to do so. At this stage, our non-verbal awareness has become pure emptiness and tranquility.

6. Suchness mind: together with practicing Stillness meditation, we need to develop an understanding that the essence of human beings is emptiness, illusion and suchness. Once we have attained a deep understanding of these topics, we can “drop” them into the frame of our “empty and tranquil mind”.

If we drop the topic of emptiness into the empty and tranquil mind, we have Emptiness Samādhi.

If we drop the topic of illusion into the empty and tranquil mind, we have Illusion Samādhi.

If we drop the topic of Suchness into the empty and tranquil mind, we have Suchness Samādhi, which is also called Formless Samādhi or Non-abiding Samādhi.

After we experience non-verbal awareness, we may gradually see new interpretations that spring spontaneously from our developing potential for enlightenment. These may start as small discoveries and grow into more profound and novel ones. This faculty will continue to develop without limitations. Our mind will gradually transcend and become purer, more objective. We treat everything and everyone equally. Our wisdom and compassion will shine forth as the light from the sun, illuminating the world around us, shattering the veil of darkness created by suffering and ignorance.

The Buddha has shown us a very clear path forward. However there are many obstacles that may spring up on the path and hinder our progress, such as storms created by karma and ignorance, vortexes created by mental defilements and strong winds of impermanence, aging, illness and death.

How do we overcome these obstacles? At all times, we need to dwell in our pure mind and eschew greed, desires, anger, hatred, regret and worries. In this way, we will always be ready for anything that may come ...

Master’s Hall, April 14th, 2021


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13 Tháng Mười Hai 202311:24 SA(Xem: 1088)
A lit incense stick in honor of Thầy. Minh Tuyền
13 Tháng Mười Hai 202311:05 SA(Xem: 1004)
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06 Tháng Mười Hai 20239:29 SA(Xem: 1067)
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26 Tháng Mười 202312:55 CH(Xem: 1231)
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10 Tháng Mười 20239:31 CH(Xem: 1516)
Stuttgart est une petite ville du sud de l'Allemagne. La retraite étant bilingue allemand-vietnamien, M. Tuong Bach, Mme Minh Tuyen et Minh Kien assuraient la traduction simultanée à tour de rôle. Il y avait environ 25 méditants, venant de nombreux endroits. De Paris, ils avaient voyagé en train. De Berlin, ils s’étaient regroupés pour venir en voiture. De Goslar, ils avaient fait environ 8 heures de route pour venir au monastère.
03 Tháng Mười 202310:36 SA(Xem: 1479)
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26 Tháng Chín 20234:27 CH(Xem: 1944)
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19 Tháng Chín 20237:54 CH(Xem: 1995)
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12 Tháng Chín 202312:56 CH(Xem: 2223)
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26 Tháng Tám 20232:36 CH(Xem: 2133)
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20 Tháng Tám 202310:54 SA(Xem: 2493)
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14 Tháng Tám 202311:20 SA(Xem: 1916)
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09 Tháng Tám 202312:40 CH(Xem: 2207)
Cốt lõi là cái tinh túy, cái tinh ba. Chớ không phải cái bề ngoài. Nếu so với cái cây, nó không phải là lá cây, cành cây.v.v. mà là cái lõi bên trong của cây. Cái cốt lõi đó phải ngắn gọn, mới gọi là cốt lõi. Mà trong đạo Phật có nhiều cốt lõi lắm. Tại sao vậy?
02 Tháng Tám 20238:44 CH(Xem: 2174)
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31 Tháng Bảy 202310:00 SA(Xem: 1632)
“Ngũ uẩn giai không” trong lời dạy này của đức Phật, là khi giác quan tiếp xúc với đối tượng, tâm hành giả biết nhưng không phản ứng thích thú hay chán ghét, tâm không nói thầm về đối tượng, thì Tánh biết có mặt. Tánh biết là cái biết rõ ràng lặng lẽ, trong sáng, khách quan, là cái lóe sáng đầu tiên của Tánh giác. Lúc bấy giờ toàn bộ ngũ uẩn yên lặng, không có cái Ta, cái của Ta hay Tự ngã của Ta trong đó, hành giả thoát khỏi mọi lậu hoặc, khổ đau.
17 Tháng Bảy 20231:44 CH(Xem: 1504)
Dès la clôture de la retraite bouddhique à Berlin, notre groupe de bhikkhunis - Nhu Minh, Nhu Sen et moi-même - a pris le lendemain, 19 mai, l'avion pour Paris. Le 20 mai au matin, la retraite de courte durée y a commencé, durant 3 jours, samedi, dimanche et lundi. Ce stage est également bilingue français-vietnamien avec la présence de quelques francophones qui écoutaient en direct l’enseignement à l’aide des écouteurs personnels. Ainsi la traduction ne gênait personne, et le cours se déroulait normalement comme d'habitude.
12 Tháng Bảy 20234:15 CH(Xem: 2068)
KINH VĂN : Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa Tâm Kinh. bao gồm bản Hán Việt, bản dịch nghĩa, bản Anh ngữ & Pháp ngữ
05 Tháng Bảy 20239:06 SA(Xem: 1168)
Như vậy con thuyền để chuyên chở mình đi trên giòng sông tâm linh là Tánh nguyên tắc. Mình phải cương quyết, với ý chí dũng mãnh giữ gìn những nguyên tắc sống thích hợp với những chân lý mà Đức Phật dạy. Đó là Tánh nguyên tắc trong thiền.
13 Tháng Sáu 20237:59 CH(Xem: 1687)
Hòa Lan, thành phố đông người trần tục hay vườn hoa thiên nhiên với con người an vui thanh thản?
11 Tháng Sáu 20234:39 CH(Xem: 1417)
Le 4 mai commençait la retraite dans un centre de la ville de Moissac. Cet endroit, situé sur une haute colline tranquille ayant abrité déjà plusieurs retraites bouddhiques, était un ancien couvent carmélite, aujourd’hui transformé comme lieu de villégiature pour touristes. La Sangha de Toulouse a toujours été composée davantage de pratiquants français que vietnamiens, d’où la nécessité d’organiser la retraite en bilingue. Tout le monde doit rester sur place, car c'est loin de Toulouse.
05 Tháng Sáu 20236:34 CH(Xem: 1742)
Trường Bộ Kinh Digha Nikaya 16. Kinh ĐẠI BÁT-NIẾT-BÀN (Mahàparinibbàna sutta)
30 Tháng Năm 20234:42 CH(Xem: 1210)
Trong tiếng Pāli, từ mano hay Ý có nghĩa tâm hay tư tưởng tương đương trong tiếng Anh là “mind” hay “thought”. Trong A Tỳ Đạt Ma (Abhidharma), mạt na dùng để chỉ đồng nghĩa với THỨC (viññāna: consciousness) và TÂM (citta: mind, state of consciousness)
29 Tháng Năm 20233:10 CH(Xem: 1287)
Theo quan niệm của Phật giáo thì Niết-bàn là trạng thái tâm thanh tịnh tuyệt đối, nghĩa là tâm dập tắt hoàn toàn ngọn lửa tham, sân, si. Người đạt được trạng thái Niết-bàn là người có thái độ sống an nhiên tự tại “thường, lạc, ngã, tịnh” ngay trong vòng xoáy “Vô thường, bất toại nguyện và vô ngã” nơi thế gian này!