Friday, May 3, 20246:55 PM(View: 864)



This morning, it was warm and sunny. A couple of days ago, it  rained steadily during day and night. The rain was not heavy. In California, we never hear any roaring, thunder or see any  lightning from the sky. It was overcast but the cloud was not black, just whitish grey. But the clear raindrops scattered the roof and made tapping sound. It also slowly fell down the cement yard with puddles formed at night. They gently and quietly drizzled onto the yard, touched the puddles then burst,  flashed out and vanished. Those that sprinkled down on the leaves or flowers sometimes stayed there, sparkling and crystalline.

The tiny raindrops are so cute, lucent and colorless. But this morning, when the sun rose, the beams diagonally lustered down the leaves and flowers that are luminously twinkled  and glistened up like carved with diamond. Each drop reflects multicolor.

Ah! Life is just sunny and rainy days! Previously, I thought it only consists of gathering and leaving. But now, time is merely days and nights. Brilliant days alternate with dark evenings. Somberness and radiance take turn in a continuous circle. It is natural. It should be in that way. Who could ever change it?

There are three pots of yellow appricot flowers, Mai flowers, in the monastery. Two of them were in full blossom  last month. On earlier rainy and windy days,  many withered flowers have fallen. Now the last of the three slowly started its blooming to welcome spring. The row of daffodils along the main hall showed off their ardent color in the winter wind. But they were fading. When spring just came, red flowers appeared from the two  peach trees. Now they were also in tatters on the grass by rain and wind and only the green shoots stay on the boughs. Recently, the white Mai tree  bears the  snow-white flowers that, when seen afar,  look like snowflakes on the  dark brown and skinny branches. The arrays of ice flowers, in the warm weather, opens their splendid, yellow blooming to greet sunlight. Next to them, the red ice ones just protrude their very young sprouts on each branchlet. The violet bushes are taller, growing bigger after some rain, now full of purplish and greenish buds. The monastery yard is potential with asssorted flowers at each different time. When spring is over, summer comes with purple Phoenix flowers. Then, autumn is back with golden  leaves shattering in winter gust…

How beautiful to watch the nature! A painting right in  front of our eyes, so tranquil with different  tones of virescent, the green color of  the leaves, the blue  of the sky. In the verdancy  of grass and leaves, scattered here and there are red and yellow flowers. In the blue spectrum of the sky is the white cloud hovering. In the painting, there is also a breeze which slightly shakes the pepper branches. The sun is not there but it is bright and warm. A small bird with  long tail suddenly flies downward and hops  on the yard. Some little wind breezes: all the pepper leaves move themselves rhythmically accordingly to the wind direction. Could any dance without music be so beautiful?

In this small area, there is everything, soil, water, air and heat,  sky and cloud and, moon and stars as well. At the first sight, we can discern all of them are quiet, innocently existent in harmony with innumerous necessary conditions and phenomena. Simultaneously, we know each of them is living in full energy at every instant of time. They move water from the ground, and sunlight into each leaf,  then run those collected substances in the way that they  turn into the yellow color of the apricot flowers, the white of the cherry blossom and even the fragrances. What a mystery!

Silently watching flowers with leaves, grass and plants every day in the monastery can help us clearly sense a great deal of  truths in life.

When it rains, grass and plants hail it. When sunny, they welcome it.  No reaction from them. The sunlight equally shines on earth.....  The wind blows everywhere. The rain spreads evenly on the ground. All  vegetation species, squirels, mountain rabbits, small birds... live in peace and freedom. None of them invades any others. All are immersing themselves into the life rhythm and the fervish transformation flow of the boundless cosmos outside.

So, how come we, the noble sentient beings with emotion and insights, are not content? How come human life becomes an ocean of sufferings? We do have many an answer. And each of them is correct. 

Because we do not want to live in good harmony with the present conditions and phenomena. We do neither want to get along well with others nor to stay in unity.  We do want to govern the nature and control other people.

Because we always raise greed for the possesions of  money, materials, fame, eating and sleeping.

Because we disregard the worldly truths. We are ignorant and unaware of them.

Therefore, to achieve mental peace and happiness, it requires us to get good command on the insight of life impermanence. And do not cling ourselves to the abrupt, personal changes on health, wealth, honors, aging, illness and deaths, even those from our family and relative members.

To a further step, should recognize that all situations, all things, all creatures  generated due to the causes and the reactive conditions. One day,  each of them ends. Their nature is empty and barren without any core inside. We are unable to possess, trust or rely on them even at the minimum rate.

It is normal, natural, and reasonable that mundane phenomena emerge, change then terminate. If we could grasp that comprehension, when something appears or disappears, we are neither cheerful nor sorrowful. Then, our mind is serene and peaceful.  And we realize that everywhere is our original adobe, every phenomenon, fact, event, situation or being,  carries the truths of transience, the principles of cause-responded conditions, non-selfness, and the trait of bareness… The Dharma sounds from our Lord have been roaring and echoing in the infinite universe. As a result, the planet where we are  now is the Buddha’s very realm, my dearest friends.


Bhikkhuni Thích Nữ Triệt Như

Ṥūnyatã Monastery, April 03, 2024

English version by Ngọc Huyền

Seclusion of NonSpeech, Late Spring, 2024


 Link to Vietnamese article: https://tanhkhong.org/p105a4134/triet-nhu-tieng-hat-giua-troi-bai-50

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Monday, June 24, 20242:07 PM(View: 810)
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Monday, June 24, 202411:03 AM(View: 686)
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Tuesday, June 11, 202411:40 AM(View: 1449)
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Monday, June 10, 20241:27 PM(View: 922)
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Sunday, June 9, 20249:11 PM(View: 685)
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Saturday, June 8, 20249:28 PM(View: 921)
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Wednesday, June 5, 20245:06 PM(View: 863)
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Monday, May 20, 202410:22 AM(View: 878)
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Monday, May 20, 202410:11 AM(View: 1073)
Wenn der Geist ein Objekt wahrnimmt, nimmt er „was gerade ist“ wahr. Wenn er aber in sich kehrt, nimmt er „die Soheit „(Tathatā/ the Suchness) wahr. Hier endet alles, es gibt keine Worte, keine Schrift, keine Namen, keine Außenwelt, kein Denken, keine Diskriminierung, keine Liebe, keinen Hass mehr. Alles ist gleichwertig. Haben die Partriarchen Recht, dass „die Erleuchtung bereits im Augenkontakt liegt“?
Monday, May 13, 20245:16 PM(View: 934)
Thiền Chỉ, tiếng Pali là “Samatha”. Nó có một từ nữa mang nghĩa tương đồng gọi là “Samadhi”, tức là Định. “Chỉ” là dừng lại. “Thiền Chỉ” hay “Thiền Định” là trạng thái tâm chuyên chú vào một cảnh, một đề mục, khiến cho mọi vọng tưởng đều ngưng bặt, tạo sự an vui (sukkha) hỷ lạc cho hành giả.
Thursday, May 9, 20244:00 PM(View: 1362)
Chiều nay, ngắm nhìn khoảng sân rộng trước tổ đình sạch bót, một màu đen phì nhiêu, đất xốp, sẵn sàng chờ đón được gieo trồng, mình cảm thấy vui. Các bạn hiền ơi, đất tâm nếu trống không, mặt trời trí tuệ sẽ tự chiếu!
Wednesday, May 8, 20247:45 AM(View: 744)
Also: „Alle Dharmas kehren zu einem zurück, wo ist dieses Eine?“ Es kann sein, dass alle Dharmas zu dem Geist zurückgeht. Nun verstehen wir vielleicht, warum die Patriarchen damals gegangen sind, ohne jegliche Spur hinterlassen zu haben, als sie gegangen sind. Das Prajnaparamita-Sutra hat jedoch unendlich über die Leere, Illusion und Soheit berichtet.
Thursday, May 2, 20243:30 PM(View: 1517)
Phải thông hiểu tới những chân lý rốt ráo: bản chất của thế gian là trống không, là như huyễn, do nhân duyên hội họp mà sinh ra, rồi sẽ thay đổi, và sẽ mất đi. Mình sẽ bớt dính mắc với những cảnh thăng trầm trong cuộc đời. Đây là trí tuệ xuất thế gian, giúp mình sống bình an trong đời.
Wednesday, May 1, 20246:56 AM(View: 977)
Der Wagen „mit einem Gang“ ist die wortlose Achtsamkeit (Sati), die uns vom Anfang bis zum Ende des Kultivierungsweges begleitet. In Wirklichkeit gibt es aber keinen Weg, der uns zur Erleuchtung bringt. Denn dieses wortlose Bewusstsein gehört uns von der Geburt an. Es war und ist rein, ruhig, klar und objektiv. Liebe Freunde, hole dieses wortlose Bewusstsein von Innen heraus. Suche es nirgendwo draußen.
Friday, April 26, 202411:42 AM(View: 1349)
Khi nó thấy cảnh, thì nó thấy “cái đang là”. Khi nó an trú trong chính nó, thì nó thấy “cái như vậy” (Tathatā/ the Suchness). Bây giờ, mọi sự đều chấm dứt, không có lời nói, không có văn tự, không có tên gọi, thế gian cũng không còn. Không suy nghĩ, không phân biệt, không thương ghét, tất cả tan biến, bình đẳng. Có phải cổ nhân đã nói đúng “chạm mắt là bồ đề”?
Sunday, April 21, 20242:20 PM(View: 1998)
Vậy thì “Muôn pháp về một, một về chỗ nào?” có thể là muôn pháp đều về tâm, còn nếu thắc mắc: tâm về chỗ nào? Thì ăn gậy là phải rồi. Bây giờ mới hiểu tại sao chư Thiền Đức ngày xưa ra đi không cần lưu lại dấu vết mà hê thống kinh Bát nhã ba la mật lại viết tràng giang đại hải về Không, Huyễn và Chân Như. Có phải vì chỗ đó ngoài ngôn ngữ, còn nếu dùng ngôn ngữ thì nói hoài cũng không xong?
Saturday, April 20, 20246:38 AM(View: 1066)
Also durch die Sinnesorgane nehmen wir also, „was gerade ist“, eine reale Sache wahr, das heißt, wir nehmen es wie eine reale Sache, obwohl es nicht echt ist. Ebenso ist ihre Stabilität, ihre Dauerhaftigkeit eine „Illusion“... Das Reale besteht darin, Phänomene durch die Sinnesorgane wahrzunehmen und die Illusion besteht darin, die Essenz eines Phänomens durch eine Weisheit zu verstehen.
Wednesday, April 17, 20242:27 PM(View: 1102)
Tu tập theo đạo Phật không phải để sở hữu được điều gì, mà thực ra là để buông xả không bám víu với bất kỳ những gì ở trên đời... mà chỉ nhận biết rõ ràng pháp đến rồi đi, đó là điều tự nhiên của vạn pháp. Và sự đến đi đó, là bài học “sinh diệt, vô thường, vô ngã” giúp cho chúng ta không bị dày vò phiền não khi nghịch cảnh đến, hoặc quá đắm chìm mê say hưởng khoái lạc, khi duyên thuận lợi đến với mình, mà phải sống trong trung đạo vừa phải.
Tuesday, April 16, 202411:33 AM(View: 1107)
Therefore, with our senses, we feel the “what-is.” It is the “As-Is Truth,” “Yathābhūta,” which is akin to the Truth, but it is not truly stable and permanent. It is also the “As-Is Delusion,” akin to a dream... The “As-Is Truth,” is the phenomena perceived by human senses and the latter, the “As-Is Delusion,” the Nature recognized by the Prajña Wisdom.